"fool me once, shame on you, etc"
every four years, the jerks line up for 'democracy' drill. "choose a president, you lucky people!" from a selection of two. hmm, maybe not so lucky. still, two is better than one.
unless one is dubya, and the other is disqualified by too much education, intelligence and character. too much for the american voter, any way. twice. but then the american voter backed nixon twice too. do you see a pattern here? americans prefer crooks, fools, good ol' boys. they yearn to be be cheated, stole from and sent to war.
bush is america, his so-called lies are just the fresh paint on the national character: crooked, violent, bigoted, and ignorant of anything going on across the county line. they ain't lies, they're the national country music.
every so often i quit trying to be polite, in expressing my opinion of the character and intelligence of the american voter. the quote above was a post in 'salon' which got a few approvals from other writers, who were also inclined to admit that "the government you deserve" was the relevant summation. but one made a point that it wasn't just the voters who were lacking, that the democrat party had put up "empty shirt" intellectuals that had no appeal to garden variety yanks.
the 'gvy' should have voted for the empty shirts. they were electing a president, not choosing a drinking buddy. but the principle of the objection is right: what if the alternative candidate is equally inadequate?
that is why democratic government is not government, but administration. that is why national law and policy should be set by referendum, and why the clerks and managers must work in public, carrying out the plans approved by the electorate. that is why democracy is rule by laws, and all other governments are rule by men.