Monday, December 3, 2007

democracy and community

in a highly-evolved democracy, the citizens are the state. there would be no public service, and no politicians, and no army. these functions would be carried out by the two types of social organization that every citizen would participate in.

one would be a civic action society based on a central meeting place in a neighborhood. in this hall, public meetings would carry out discussion and organization on matters of local interest. there would be programs for training emergency response teams, to deal with fire, flood and storm, and fund raising activities for local projects. this would be where citizen initiative referenda would begin, on matters of national concern. the 'cas' would also be responsible for militia training.

the other society would be based on vocation. it would provide job training, employment, insurance and superannuation. by rotating it's members through it's client companies, unemployment would become a quaint part of history, while at the same time insuring that the clients had a supply of well-trained and experienced personnel. disruptions due to illness and maternity leave would be largely eliminated.

more on militia training: it's cheaper to put an assault rifle under lock in every citizen's wardrobe than to maintain an army. it's also a much more effective way to defend a nation from invasion. the use of an army is to ensure government control over it's own people, and to invade other people's land. a democracy doesn't need an army.

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